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New York
fredag, november 3, 2023

Particulars of trilateral assembly of Azerbaijani, Georgian, Armenian PMs revealed

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 27. Prime Minister of
Georgia Irakli Garibashvili introduced the small print of a trilateral
assembly with the prime ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia – Ali
Asadov and Nikol Pashinyan, Development studies.

Irakli Garibashvili wrote on his Fb web page that in a
assembly with colleagues, he mentioned large-scale regional initiatives
that meet the pursuits of all three international locations.

“I’m very happy to have the chance to host the Prime
Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan on the Tbilisi Silk Street Discussion board
to speak about the way forward for the South Caucasus and large-scale
regional initiatives, the implementation of which is in widespread
pursuits. We’re able to proceed our efforts to attain peace,
stability and financial growth in area for the advantage of our
international locations,” Garibashvili wrote.

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