The Election Fee has ordered the switch of IPS officer Rajesh Duggal, who’s the husband of BJP MP from Sirsa Sunita Duggal, and directed that no election-related work be assigned to him until Lok Sabha polls conclude within the state.
Performing on the EC’s directive, the Haryana authorities on Thursday issued the switch order.
Rajesh Duggal, who was holding the cost as Joint Commissioner of Police, Gurugram, has now been posted as Deputy Inspector Normal of Police on the Police Headquarters in Panchkula with quick impact.
”Additional, as directed by the Election Fee of India, he shall not be assigned any election-related work until the completion of the present Lok Sabha election within the state,” reads the order issued by Haryana’s Extra Chief Secretary (Dwelling Division) T V S N Prasad.
Polling for the ten Lok Sabha seats in Haryana will probably be held within the sixth section of elections on Could 25.
On the time of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls too, the ECI had ordered that Rajesh Duggal, who was then holding the cost as commandant of the third battalion of the Haryana Armed Police in Hisar, be posted exterior Hisar and Sirsa constituencies.
(Apart from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV employees and is printed from a syndicated feed.)